Our Promise

In a time when every company has a bid on our data, when we exchange privacy for information, when every move we make is influenced by how others will perceive it, we have little space to call our own.

Our minds have been taken captive: By social approval systems, by newsfeeds and timelines, by advertisements and corporate agendas. Our information is scattered across platforms, bound by terms and conditions.

It doesn’t have to work that way. We take privacy and the security of your data seriously, and so we make these promises to you: 

We will never run ads

Ads are not only distracting, they're also invaders of privacy. The level of tracking modern ads require is not welcome on mymind.com. Our service is entirely supported by paying members of the platform, and those are the only people we answer to.

We will keep your data close & secure

We go the extra mile to lock down your data. It's why we build our own systems and only use sub-processors we trust and are absolutely necessary.

→ Read more about our sub-processors
→ Read more about data security

We will never sell your data.

We promise to never sell your data. We're not in the business of selling data and we never will be. In the extremely unlikely event mymind, inc. is acquired by another company, you'll be able to export your data beforehand and have the chance to opt out of any transfer.

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”

We respect you and your mind

The modern web is made to distract and influence you in ways we do not support. We promise to have NO classic "social media" features, NO vanity metrics and NO implements of social pressure. We aim to build a place of peace. With mymind, you can be yourself and think for yourself. Your mind belongs to you.

Read more about what we mean with "Private first"

We're in it for the long haul

We're an independent company who's built many other independent products. We're not reliant on any external funding. We only answer to you, our members and supporters. This allows us to grow slowly and carefully while ensuring our values are reflected in everything we do.

It also means there's a team that is happy to answer your questions. Email us at service@mymind.com with any questions and we're happy to help.

Create your own
little, private world.

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