✧ This is our Sunday inspiration roundup, in which we share a few things that moved us or made us think this week. ✧
Here's what's been on our minds.
💭 The coziness and timelessness of wooden interiors

Right click an image or long press on mobile to add or share it to your mind.
💭 This quote from Seneca
“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.”
Highlight the text, quotation marks included, and right click to save this to your mind as a quote.
💭 This meme

To find this later in your mind, search “present” or “reactions” or "clown."
💭 This interview with designer Kendall Latham

Kendall Latham describes his work as designed anthropology: informed by place and inspired by people. The experiences he's designed for brands like Glossier, Calvin Klein, Dior and Raf Simons are indeed transportive yet grounded in community and location. After admiring his designs and appreciating a few of them in person, we were curious about the mind behind the work.
P.S. What did you save to your mind one year ago today? Here's how to find out.
Until next week!