October 16, 2023
2 min read

On stuffing your head & new experiences

Another Sunday, another peek into our minds. Here's what we've been thinking about this week.

💭 The work of Italian designer Vico Magistretti

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💭 This writing advice from Ray Bradbury

"What you’ve got to do from this night forward is stuff your head with more different things from various fields . . . I’ll give you a program to follow every night, very simple program.

For the next thousand nights, before you go to bed every night, read one short story. That’ll take you ten minutes, 15 minutes. Okay, then read one poem a night from the vast history of poetry. Stay away from most modern poems. It’s crap. It’s not poetry! But one poem a night, one short story a night, one essay a night, for the next 1,000 nights. From various fields: archaeology, zoology, biology, all the great philosophers of time, comparing them… I want you to read essays in every field. On politics, analyzing literature, pick your own. But that means that every night then, before you go to bed, you’re stuffing your head with one poem, one short story, one essay—at the end of a thousand nights, Jesus God, you’ll be full of stuff, won’t you?"

Highlight the text, quotation marks included, to save this to your mind as a quote.

💭 This simple commentary on growth

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That's all for now. We'll continue stuffing our heads this week and hope you do the same.

✨ From the minds of our members✨

"I am absolutely obsessed with mymind. After leaving my full-time role, I realized I had so much time to actually watch all of the artsy movies on my list, pick up a book (or two), and save all the YouTube videos that have been in the back of my mind into one central location.

I am always seeing new books and movies that have the potential to inspire me in my filmmaking and photography efforts, so I never want to forget their names! I am a frequent user of mymind because I believe having items that inspire you easily accessible is the key to staying creative and learning."

- Samantha, social media marketer


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