Take three deep breaths. Let them out slowly. Lift your hands above your head and take a nice, long stretch.
Here's what's on our mind this week.
This Vogue tour with Rick Owens

In which we get a glimpse into the fashion designer's home and “objects of affection.” Aside from his beautiful treasures, we were inspired by his taste and viewpoint, which seem to be completely uninfluenced by trends and popular aesthetics.
Find the video in your mind after you save it by searching “Vogue” or “YouTube” or "Rick."
This quote from Marcus Aurelius
“The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.”
Highlight this text, including the quotation marks, to save it to your mind as a quote.
This interview with Jeff Sheldon, founder of Ugmonk

This week we go into the mind of Jeff Sheldon, who designs simple, functional & beautiful products under the moniker, Ugmonk. (P.S. They're great gifts for the designer in your life.)
This too-real comic

Find this in your mind after saving by searching any word that appears in the image.

Add the following hex codes (with a comma between each) in a note to save this color palette to your mind: #d3e8e1,#78a15d, #e44a66
Save anything from this email? See it inside your mind, with all your other lovely treasures.