We’re proud to say that mymind is an independent company. We didn’t seek outside investment when starting our business. We funded it with the money from our own pockets.
That means every feature and update we build for mymind is not influenced by investors and outside agendas. We are free to create our app based on our own vision, for people who appreciate and benefit from it: our members.
But we were curious. If we had pitched mymind back then, when it was just the glimmering of an idea, what would our pitch deck look like?

We created this “pitch deck” in collaboration with our friends at Pitch.com. It may not include the standard information you’d see on a typical VC deck – but thankfully, we don’t need to bore you with that.
View the mymind “pitch deck” here →

mymind will continue to be an independent company, which ensures we can upload the values and promises we’ve made from the start. In our minds, the only investors that matter are our members.