It's the season of spending. As you prepare for a hailstorm of ads and discounts in your inbox, we have a suggestion: Use your mind.
✦ Step 1: Create your wishlist

First, create a wishlist of things you actually need. This could be a Space containing products you want for yourself, or gifts you want to give. Or it could be a simple checklist in a note.
✦ Step 2: Save potential purchases to your mind

Anytime something new interests you, save it to your mind. (You'd be surprised how this satisfies that initial urge to BUY.)
✦ Step 3: Think it over

Ask yourself: Is this new thing already on your wishlist? If not, mull it over in your mind for a few days. You may realize you don't need it at all. Then delete it and free yourself from it.
Saving products and gift ideas to your mind encourages more intentional spending. Instead of buying every shiny thing that shows up in your feed or inbox, you can slow down and think it over.
An added bonus:
This approach also helps you hone your personal taste and style. Instead of buying that random sweater or shoe that strikes you in the moment, you can more thoughtfully choose special items you'll want to wear consistently for a long time. Slowly, your unique style will emerge.