The longer you use mymind, the more it becomes useful to you. You are slowly building your own personal search engine, a database focused on you, your thoughts, dreams and memories. And that’s when time travel begins to be fun.

Curious what you were thinking about last month? Just search “last month” and everything you saved will appear.
Need notes from your work call last week? Search “last week” to see only the things you saved last week to your mind. Or even better, search “last week,” hit enter and add “notes.”

Feeling nostalgic? Search any month like “August” and hit enter, then add “images.” You’ll see all the photos you’ve saved to your mind during that time.

Feel free to search specific dates (like December 25, 2022) or using natural language (like “two days ago”). You’ll know it’s a Time Travel search based on the colorful label in the search bar. Play around with time and see what you find.