It may sound like something your mother would say, but the things you put in your mind affect the things that come out of it. Like every Sunday, we're here to offer a few beautiful things for consideration.
💭 The work of designer, Yukihiro Yamaguchi

Right click an image or long press on mobile to add or share it to your mind.
See more designs by Yukihiro Yamaguchi →
💭 This quote from Cormac McCarthy
“You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.”
Highlight the text (without quotation marks) and right click to save this to your mind as a highlight.
💭 This interview with Michael Bierut
"A year or so ago, I put my vanity aside, succumbed to my audiologist’s advice, and finally got hearing aids. They have changed my life. I had heard that a lot of the problems associated with aging (like disengagement, confusion and even forgetfulness) can be related to hearing loss. Now I believe it."
Whether you're part of the design world or not, you've seen Michael Bierut's designs. As a partner at the revered design studio, Pentagram, he's worked on everything from the logo for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign to the redesign of The Atlantic magazine.
We've long respected Bierut for his voice and leadership in design, so we were curious to know what's been on his mind of late.
If any of the above makes you stop and think for a moment, try saving it to your own mind for further reflection. Or dive in now and see what else there is to ponder.