All kinds of fancy writing tools exist, but we’ve found that most regular writers end up drafting their work in the most simple, basic apps. At the end of the day, they don’t care that much about special tools, grammar checking and word count. They just want to get their ideas down without distractions. So we built the mymind editor with that in mind.
Here’s how we’ve been using writers of all kinds use it so far:
– To save quotes of all kinds. A quote from a source you interviewed for an article. Or a paragraph that stuck with them from a book. Or one that inspires a new essay or blog post. Or even just a particularly good sentence they want to read again and again. Most good writers are also readers. They’re absorbing all the time, and mymind serves as their sponge.
– To capture the ideas big and small. That may be a piece of dialogue they want to fit into a story one day. Or the shower thought that might turn into their next column. Or the middle-of-the-night novel ideas that typically slip away with their dreams.
– As a swipe file with images of ads, campaigns, landing pages, emails, screenshots and other material to inspire their next big idea. In the past, you’d literally stuff all these things into a folder somewhere. Now it’s all beautifully laid out in your mind, ready to be picked up and brought into the light again whenever you need it.
– To save feedback and commentary on their writing. The reviews, comments from friends, emails from colleagues. The little pieces of positivity that remind them that others enjoy their work. You know, the things you usually stow deep in a folder somewhere to brighten a rainy day. That stuff is gold.
– And of course, to write. To capture a short idea or quick note, they can do so straight from the Note field in mymind. But when they’re ready to get in the flow without distractions, they go into Focus mode. No clunky editor tools getting in the way. No distracting grammar suggestions butting in. Just you and your ideas, uninterrupted. (But if you need a little break or fuel, you can just jump back into your mind for inspiration.)
Want more? Read how one writer uses their mind
"After passively collecting for weeks, mymind has become a resource and home base for my work. It’s my own personal search engine."