We heard your feedback, and we took it seriously.
Now for the first time, mymind adds AI tags to websites you save. Just like you see auto-tags within images, you'll now see them inside website cards.

This is a big one. It took a lot of magic behind the scenes to make it work, but now you'll not only have more tags for webpages, articles, products and other links you save – but also smarter, more accurate tags.
On top of that: mymind now categorizes yours URLs, since not all websites are treated the same. In the sidebar of your website card, you'll now see a special tag & icon labeling it as a webpage, article, product, tweet or other link type. Click the tag bubbles to see more results within that category.

These updates should greatly improve search accuracy, making mymind even better at being your personal search engine & bookmarking tool.
There's a lot more to come!